Nicola Gunwhy graduated with an M.A. in Creative Practice from GMIT in 2017, her thesis subject being: ‘Women’s Experiences of Illness: Reflections on historical legacy, societal perceptions and bodily autonomy.’
The work is focused on corporeality, identity and heath care, with pertinent issues including the historic and social construction of diagnoses; ownership of medical information; equitable access to care; bodily autonomy; power and the political implications of illness, vulnerability and precarity.
Her practice is transdisciplinary and draws upon personal and professional experiences of illness and health care provision. She is interested in the intersection between Arts and Health and holds membership in several affiliated organisations including Visual Artists Ireland, Royal Society for Public Health (RSPH) Specialist Interest Group for Arts, Health & Wellbeing (UK) and Culture, Health & Wellbeing Alliance (UK). Her solo exhibition, Can we ever really see each other? was presented by Galway International Arts Festival, Galway University Hospitals Arts Trust, 2017.